Returning home
A long way out of Russian war imprisonment
This page is not directly in context with the Royal Bavarian 5th Infantry, but an information for succeeding generations about the return of German soldiers after World War I. from Russian war imprisonment.
Many brave German soldiers had an adventurous return home after several years of war imprisonment.
Proven by narrations of progeny and written verifications of a German soldier captured on October 2nd, 1916
Marching off into war
capture, Mars
via Plaucamala to Kremenetz
07.10. - 10.10.1916
transportation by train from Dubno to Berditscheff in the POW Camp |
13.10. - 14.10.1916 | run to Kiew (Durnitza camp) |
29.10. - 05.11.1916 | run to Pensa |
06.11. - 26.12.1916 | in Pensa camp imprisonment |
27.12. - 12.01.1917 | run via Samara - Ufa - Tscheljabink - Omsk to Atschinsk |
12.01. - 26.11.1917 | in Atschinsk Camp |
27.11. - 30.11.1917 | run via Polowina - Irkutsk - Baykal to Berezowka |
01.12. - 01.11.1918 | in Berezowka Camp |
01.11. - 16.11.1918 | run via Tschita - Aga - Mandschuria to Nikolsk-Ussurisk |
17.11. - 14.02.1919 | in Nikolsk-Ussurisk Camp |
15.02. - 17.06.1919 | in Rstolnoje Camp |
18.06. - 04.07.1920 | in Nikolsk-Ussurisk Camp |
04.07.1920 | run to Wladiwostok at the Japan Sea |
05.07. - 31.08.1920 | return to Ruske Ostrow Camp |
01.09.1920 | to Vladivostok for embarkment and final passage home |
02.09. - 15.09.1920 |
The "Heffron" an American vessel of 15.900 GRT and 1200 passengers hoist anchor, passed south of Kyushu island, Japan and cross the northern Pacific. |
Honolulu, Hawai'i about 1920 |
16.09.1920 | enter Honolulu harbor, O'ahu (Republic of Hawai'i) |
until 22.09.1920 | layover in Honolulu - a dream after exertion of Siberian POW camps |
23.09.1920 | farewell from O'ahu, from Honolulu |
23.09. - 12.10.1920 | travel with "USS Heffron" to Panama (03.10.1920 four years as POW) |
12.10. - 18.10.1920 | passage of Panama Canal - from Panama crossing the isthmus to Colón |
19.10. - 04.11.1920 | trough the Caribbean Sea (St. Thomas) and crossing the Atlantic to Gibraltar |
05.11. - 11.11.1920 | departure from Gibraltar, passing Sicily (08.11.) to Trieste |
12.11. - 20.11.1920 | by rail road home |
finally at